All Cool Girl's Diary

Becoming a Model

Becoming a Model

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  1. leticia

    Como ingressou no mundo da moda?

    1. Carla

      Oi Leticia! eu estava numa festa e uma dona de agencia estava presente e veio conversar comigo sobre o meu look e me passou seu cartao em caso eu ivesse interesse na carreira, depois de um tempo eu a procurei e comecei o processo:)

  2. Tiffany Lea

    Great post! very interesting. I am surrounded on a daily basis with models as I work in the fashion industry.

    1. Carla

      Thanks Tiffany to stop by:) Loved your blog. what a great Fashion Content you are putting together. I already subscribed to not miss a thing:)
      Keep in touch! xoxo

  3. Rochelle Fox

    Wonderful post. So interesting!
    Good vibes, FOX
    check out my blog and my latest VLOG

    1. Carla

      Thank you Rochelle! Took a look a look at your blog, It is beautiful with really inspiring posts!:)

  4. Nickole

    Gostaria de mais informações sobre como ser modelo.Achei lindas suas fotos e seu look!!!

  5. Irene Antonius

    I like your post, you give more insights to people about the struggles of surviving the modeling industry. I’m a fashion student and doing a research on model’s value for my college final essay, it would mean so much if you can help me out by sparing some time to do a little interview on your modeling experience 🙂
    Thank you 😀

    1. Carla

      Hi Irene! Thanks for reaching out and I will be happy in helping you out with your school project. Email me at to let me know how we can set up the interview. Looking forward to hearing from you:)

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