The Fashion Mixologist Blog

Ziggy Caipi

Do you think Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie) would enjoy a strawberry cocktail? What about a strawberry cocktail named after him?

Yeah, I think he will love that. Not only will he enjoy this drink, but you can as well! The Ziggy Caipi is a low sugar balanced martini that is refreshing, light, and delicious! Here are the ingredients for the “Ziggy Caipi” cocktail that will have you humming his tunes with every sip.


Homemade Strawberry nectar recipe


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until you have a smooth consistency.
  2. Pour all the cocktail ingredients in a shaker with ice (in case you don’t have one you can always use a mason jar as a replacement.) Shake well, strain into a Martini glass. Garnish with strawberry leaves.
  3. And now it is time for you to have fun making and tasting your own Ziggy Caipi! Enjoy!

*For a non-alcoholic version, you can just drink the fresh strawberry nectar.*

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Guitar Pin

Martini glass