The Fashion Mixologist Blog

New Year, New Caipi!

As we begin the start of a new year, I would like to make a toast to new beginnings.

After reflecting on last year’s accomplishments, I realized patience plays a vital role in my life. I have created my own brand, branched out of my comfort zone, and expanded my ideas throughout New York City. Of course it wasn’t easy, for it was one of the biggest challenges of my life, but I never gave up and pursued my dream. With that being said, my dream soon became a reality.

I have created a Caipi designed to celebrate the old and embrace the new. My drink is absolutely delicious and it is a refreshing start to 2016. This drink includes:

-1.5 oz. of Sake or Vodka.

-4 oz.  of Champagne.

-4 fresh cherries ready to be muddled.



  1. Pour 1.5 oz. of Sake or Vodka in a cup.
  2. Add the 4 muddled cherries to the Sake or Vodka.
  3. Add ice, then stir the ingredients.
  4. Pour the drink into a glass of your choice and add 4 oz. of champagne to the mix.
  5. Voila! There you have your “Cherry Cheers.”

Want to share this lovely drink with others under the age of 21? Or is the alcohol an issue for some? No problem! “Cherry Cheers” can also be served as a non-alcoholic beverage by substituting the champagne and liquor for cherry flavored sparkling water. Who said you couldn’t enjoy a non-alcoholic cocktail like this?

2016 will certainly bring new hope, optimism, and growth. I am excited to continue this journey and to welcome in the new year with a new favorite drink, “Cherry Cheers.”

Link for the drink item:

cocktail light up glass