The Fashion Mixologist Blog

How I am dealing with Endometriosis

Dear friends,

After a long time without writing, I am back here to talk about my experience with endometriosis. Which made difficult for me to keep a regular schedule with blog writing, social media and work schedule. I started to write this post at an emergency room last week while waiting for something that could relieve my pain, believe or not, the place and situation inspired me to share my story during these past few months.
It all started during the last trip I took to my hometown, Rio de Janeiro to see my family and I took a chance to do my check-up, and I found out that not everything was totally right with my health. I spent a whole month get in and out of doctors, between blood tests, ultrasounds and finally an RM ( Resonance Magnetic) I was diagnosed with endometriosis (a very common disease among women) and because of unbalanced blood loss I also developed anemia.
Each woman feels the effects of the endometriosis differently. In most of the cases causes a lot of pain in the pelvic area, excessive bleeding, or sometimes you might not have any of the symptoms and don’t even know you have it. Luckily, I don’t have the intense pain, and neither the most common symptoms, so I was able to start the treatment using only medication but after a month taking it, my body is not adapting well increasing my anemia symptoms. There are some days I feel tired, without energy and some other days I am alright. For a person like me used never to get sick and work multiple jobs it is hard to deal with it. I had to slow down my work schedule to take care of my health witch it is not easy when You are self-employed.
Life is full of challenges, ups, and downs and It is necessary to adapt ourselves to new experiences no matter if they are good or bad. Since I have to live with the endometriosis, I am finding the best way to improve my conditions to come back to my regular activities.
What Am I doing to accomplish this? First, I looked for a specialist in endometrioses to treat me in NY; I have been taking vitamins and changed my diet habits to help me with the anemia including food and supplements rich in iron and vitamin C, every time I feel well I exercise, I have been following my Transcendental Meditation routine keeping my mind and body sharp, I listen to music to keep me entertained and I read books about business branding, psychology, and meditation .

As a Fashion Mixologist, I had to create my own home recipe, a simple fresh squeezed orange juice. Oranges are a pure source of vitamin C.


2 Oranges

4 oz of water

Cut the oranges in 1/2 and use an electric juicer to take the juice out of the oranges, keep the pup in it.

As a music lover, I also made a playlist with a mix of different songs through all the times, available below.

Sharing my experience with you I can alert other women to check themselves even if you don’t have any of the symptoms. You can do an ultrasound once a year to see if everything is ok with your body. You will never know what is going on inside you until you check it out.
I am very thankful for the friends and family that I have. The ones that come with kind words and show their support when I am feeling down, bring me medicine from far away when I most needed, a father that makes sure I have the right medication in hands even when He is in Brazil and I am in NY. With an A team like that, I am sure I will have a super fast recovery!
Next month I am coming back to all my regular activities, and I have a lot of new styles, cocktails and health tips I can’t wait to share with you.
Leave your comment if you want to share your opinion about the topic or just want to say hello. I would love to hear from you! You can use the buttons below to share this post on your social medias.

See you next time my friends!