All Cool Girl's Diary

O que é ser uma “Cool Girl”?

O que é ser uma “Cool Girl”?

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    1. Carla

      Thanks for the love Adaora!:)

  1. Iara

    Carla,adorei o artigo e vc falou com verdade o que muitas ‘garotas legais’escutam e vivem até o ponto final. Esses seres que não sabem amar são vazios de espírito e alma,terminam suas vidas solitários e deixam de ser felizes por se acharem o rei da cocada!

    1. Carla

      Muita obrigada pelo comentario!:)

  2. Tasch

    This rings so true. Everyone needs to be treated like a whole person and loved.

  3. Lindsay M

    Thank you so much for sharing this story! How can I spot the Mr. Nono’s of the world and avoid getting involved? Any tips?

    1. Carla

      Thank you so much Lindsay for stopping by! Well, I think the first sign is the communication you have with the person. If you feel that the person is trying to hide, especially behind text msgs, or makes you feel not welcomed in his life in certain situations right in the beginning and you have the feeling you are giving and not receiving; maybe it is time to move on. Remember, the Cool Girl let the time pass by and ended loosing her self respect loving too much… Keep in mind to ” Love yourself no matter what happens your life” Have a great day:)

  4. Beatriz

    Olá Carla,amei essa descrição do que é ser uma ‘cool girl’,as pessoas confundem tudo não é mesmo,querem tirar proveito das qualidades dos outros e em se tratando desses sr. como o sr.não não é o.oh! Eles são fim de linha mesmo e são frustrados com sua própria vida ou se deixaram enganar por uma esperta e promovem esse tipo de vingança.Conheço bem,são as vítimas,o outro é sempre o culpado,eles nunca sabem o que fazem e se acham os perfeitos.Quero distância,são tóxicos e nocivos,iludem e seduzem.Não sabem e nem conhecem o que seja compartilhar.Bj Carla.:)

  5. Will

    Love this post Carla! I had been in the same situation as the cool girl, the only difference I was the cool boy and had a Ms Nono, I know the feeling of being treated as an object and not a human being! Keep us updated on the adventures of Cool Girl and Ms Nono… The names are very creative!!????

    1. Carla

      Thanks Will for the comment and compliments! I love that you expressed your opinion as a man, obviously this happen can happen to anybody as I said sometimes we cannot choose who we love but we certainly choose how we wanted to be treated and nobody deserves to feel less. I will keep writing about the cool girl and Mr Nono adventures. Subscribe to the Newsletter to know when the posting are coming. Have a great day!:)

  6. Cindy

    Loved your post and I see myself involved with a Mr Nono that just wants to talk to me through txt. What can I say to put this and end.?

    1. Carla

      Hi Cindy! Thanks for reading and this a good incentive for me to write another post about how we can approach the “text” situation since it is so common now a days to text… Next time he texts tell him you would love to talk on the phone like in the old times… If he tries to sneak away you know that there is a sign of a Mr Nono in the air… Have a great day:)

  7. Jonathan

    I can totally see how this relates to you… beautiful article!!! You are much more than a “cool girl”…

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